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US Influence on Hispanic America and the Importance of Bitcoin for its Future

Despite the great growth potential of countries in Hispanic America, such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and even Paraguay, external influences contribute to the stagnation and purposeful economic decline of such countries. We can affirm that the international protagonism that such potential would provide for these countries in normal occasions of fair competition is dwarfed by the manipulations of great powers abroad, prominently the U.S. and China, and in some countries, including Russia.

Even with several players interested in exerting their influence in the third world, the American financial system, characterized by the hegemony of the dollar in international reserves and the relevance of American monetary policy to such countries, ensures that the U.S. is on an unreachable footing in the diplomatic arena, and Bitcoin can be a scourge for this, thanks to its decentralized system and, more importantly, the fact that it has no controlling body and not even a known founder, making it impossible for unfair competition in what makes the major cryptocurrency by essence.

Chinese competition from the US

When we exemplify Chinese interference tactics, we evidence not only the predatory lending by which China has completely dominated countries like Maldives (1) and Sri Lanka (2) and is occurring in most South American countries (3), but also the direct realization of military bases, such as in Paraje de Quintuco in Neuquén province in Argentina under the guise of being a space station (4). Other than this, we see great influence that the Chinese system exerts over the continent, in the form of frequent replication of policies adopted there, something very evident after the control measures taken after the use of Covid-19 for this pretext.

A more intense influence is exerted in third world countries, especially in South America, is the US, which has a more visible and prominent influence over some South American countries, such as Brazil and Colombia, especially economically and demographically. It is worth recognizing that the United States is not only an economic power, but also an institutional power, in the sense that the dominant political class of this country has more power to manipulate international laws, whether through the UN, or even through bilateral agreements or joint action, a prime example of which is the Paris Agreement, in which the United States is the main investor.

Henry Kissinger, the great architect of US international influence

Kissinger is not only responsible for the economic rise of China (5), which has been occurring progressively since the 1970s due to the financing promoted by his policies, but he is also responsible for an American foreign policy that aims at the economic downgrading of underdeveloped nations in various ways, but with emphasis on population reduction and the establishment of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons to ensure that. (6)

Everything has passed through the sieve of the authorities of most of the underdeveloped countries in question as a mere diplomatic compromise, as well as an opportunity for capitalization promised by the desirous of such a nefarious policy, the American government. In such a way, the control of the international monetary system is crucial for the implementation of such measures, not only to exert pressure on non-compliers, but also to pass on subsidies to the most committed ones.

In a document called "The Kissinger Report", which was a secret document until the 1990s and was passed on to the embassies of 107 countries, Kissinger calls for the containment of population growth and its decrease through the wide dissemination of contraceptive methods and abortion in the A.I.D. program, as well as the strengthening of advertisements that promote the desire not to procreate, and the control of prices of numerous inputs that are necessary for a desirable rate of procreation and crucial for lasting economic development.

The deindustrialization of the southern hemisphere has always been a desire of the great Anglo-Saxon empires after the 18th century, once under the tutelage of the UK, and now with the US as the central figure in such an undertaking. As a way to guarantee the perpetuity of such project, another policy explicitly advocated not only by Kissinger, but by all the global institutional apparatuses, was the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which came to provoke a diplomatic imbalance at the negotiation table between some developed countries of the Northern hemisphere and the underdeveloped countries of the Southern hemisphere.

Unequivocally, once the weakening of the dollar becomes more and more apparent, it in turn weakens the enforcement capabilities of such destructive measures, as control of the financial system is imperative to their implementation. Bitcoin, as a currency impossible to counterfeit by any entity, governmental or private, will be crucial in ensuring that new monopoly holders will not replicate such a method of unfair competition and subversive control.

We’re working on a documentary project that will explore the actors that are trying to block bitcoin adoption in the world. Find out more here:



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